
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Stefania Maria Maci” ,找到相关结果约85222条。
Glocal Features of In-flight Magazines: when Local Becomes Global. An Explorative Study
Stefania Maria Maci
Altre Modernità , 2012,
Abstract: In-flights are magazines distributed by commercial airlines to their passengers and contain news items concerning travel, business and general-interest features, including tourist resorts. The choice of resorts to be described in in-flight magazines seems to depend on the destinations reached by the flights and apparently reflects a cultural and business tendency to focus tourists’ attention not just on popular destinations but also on less frequently advertised or less traditional tourism localities, and to invest in the rediscovery of local identities. Such rediscovery allows the exportation of local tourism to an international audience, thus providing considerable financial advantages. It is the purpose of this paper to investigate the multimodal and linguistic strategies adopted by in-flight magazines so as to allow the local to become global. The analysis, based on a corpus of ten monthly in-flight magazines published in English and collected between 2009 and 2010, will try to define the linguistic conventions and constraints of this genre. In addition, attention will focus on the extent to which iconicity and interdiscursivity permeate the discourse of tourism in in-flight magazines. The resulting data seem to suggest that the airline industry tends to adopt marketing strategies aimed at promoting and differentiating national interests in an international context. The easiest way to do so is to present themselves as global. By highlighting this characteristic, airline companies construct a global reality which the international, and therefore global, traveller experiences
Knowledge dissemination and evidentiality in the genre of posters. Anatomy of a condensed medical discourse
Stefania Maci
- , 2019, DOI: DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v29p67
Abstract: The genre of scientific posters is a very complex one, because it implies combining written and oral modes in communication. Such complexity is further increased by the fact that posters are created in such a way as to stand alone and do the talking, while showing medical research, all in a single visual plan. Such extreme conciseness is possible only if redundant information, seen as accessory matters, is deleted. As pointed out by Hobbs (2003, p. 459), this means that in the medical context the cohesion usually provided by explicit linkage is supplied by the reader’s background knowledge. In this context, the evidential markers, while facilitating the understanding of poster cognitive mapping, indicate the author’s level of expertise towards knowledge. Given the fact that consistent linguistic investigations of posters are almost absent from an applied linguistics perspective, it is the aim of this study to describe how evidentiality is realized in such a condensed and specialized genre. More specifically, drawing on Chafe (1986), this investigation will be focused on those linguistic forms regarded as evidential markers and showing various degrees of knowing within the written form of medical posters, in order to illustrate how evidentiality is linguistically realized, and what, if any, pragmatic functions it has. This investigation, based on the analysis of the verbal components of a corpus of 28 medical posters published online between 2002 and 2011, has been carried out on attested language use in the written discourse of medical posters. The findings highlight the fact that evidentiality is dependent on the socio-interactional work the speaker does to construct authority, responsibility and entitlement in a particular context and with particular recipients
“Good Morning, Vietnam!” The discursive construction of nationhood in the War Remnant Museum wall-texts
Stefania Maci
- , 2018, DOI: DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v26p259
Abstract: When the tourism industry is operatively organized by governmental institutions, it seems that the destination is commodified in ways that are ideologically constructed so as to ‘educate’ tourists to perceive them as having a historically different identity. This seems to be what happens when visiting the War Remnant Museum (WRM) in Vietnam. The WRM is a war museum, in Ho Chi Min City, containing exhibits related to the Vietnam and Indochina wars in a series of themed rooms; they include graphic photography accompanied by wall-texts, in English, Vietnamese and Japanese, covering the effects of such chemicals as Agent Orange andother defoliant sprays, the use of napalm and phosphorus bombs and other war atrocities. Since, in some guidebookswritten for an international Western audience,we readthat the Cold War is dealt with by looking at the US with a benevolent eye, there seems to be some dissonance between what the Cold War is, how it is described in guidebooks and what is told about the WRM. The purpose of this study is to analyse the discursive construction of Vietnamese identity through the descriptions of war in the wall-texts found in the WRM. More specifically, this study aims to investigate how the WRM frames Vietnamese identity construction and how this can be inscribed in the tourist experience. This corpus-based methodological approach (WordSmith Tools and WMatrix) is grounded in critical discourse analysis (Fairclough 1989, 1992, 2001, 2006, 2014). What seems to emerge from this investigation is that the Vietnamese war, as depicted by the WRM,isnot simply the other side of the coin. Reality is filtered through anideological lens of political interpretation usedby the Vietnamese which frames discursive processes and strategies that establish the social order and power relations in a useful way in the construction of a strong national identity to be reproduced in WRM wall-texts. Such an analysis can provide useful insights intomultifaceted aspects of the institutional discourse(s) related to the construction of a national identity and at the same time linked to the commodification of war
Cytomegalovirus-induced immunopathology and its clinical consequences
Stefania Varani, Maria Landini
Herpesviridae , 2011, DOI: 10.1186/2042-4280-2-6
Abstract: Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a widespread agent that belongs to the Herpesviridae family [1]. Viral proteins are expressed in the immediate early (IE), early (E), and late (L) phases of CMV infection. Its genome contains more than 200 potential reading frames from which effector proteins can be generated, but merely one-quarter is committed to replication [2,3]. Thus, the majority of viral proteins potentially modulates cellular responses in the host; of all herpesviruses, CMV expresses the most genes that alter innate and adaptive host immune responses [4].During the acute phase of CMV infection, many cell types in an organ system can be infected, including endothelial cells, epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, neuronal cells, hepatocytes, trophoblasts, monocytes/macrophages (M?s), and dendritic cells (DCs) [5]. The virus typically is acquired early in life and can be transmitted by direct or indirect contact with infected body fluids. There are 3 forms of active CMV infection: a) primary infection, which occurs when the virus infects a CMV-naive host; b) endogenous infection in CMV-seropositive individuals who experience reactivation from latency, and c) exogenous reinfection in previously infected individuals who experience infection by a different strain [6].Recent evidence shows that active and latent CMV infection induces sustained systemic inflammatory responses that are accompanied by a type 1 cytokine signature [7]. Viral persistence is established in all infected individuals and is chronically productive or occurs as a latent infection in which viral gene expression is limited [8].Initiation of viral replication from latency not only is caused by immunosuppression but, like other viruses, such as HIV [9], also appears to be linked to activation of the immune system. For example, the virus can be reactivated by tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- α, which is released during inflammation. TNF-α binds to the TNF receptor on latently infected cells,
I Social Network nello sviluppo professionale
Stefania Manca,Maria Ranieri
Form@re : Open Journal per la Formazione in Rete , 2013,
Reti professionali di insegnanti su Facebook: studio di un caso
Maria Ranieri,Stefania Manca
Form@re : Open Journal per la Formazione in Rete , 2013,
Abstract: Questo lavoro presenta i risultati di due indagini esplorative sull’uso dei SN nell’ambito di alcune comunità professionali di insegnanti. Un primo studio basato sulla somministrazione di un questionario rivolto a dieci fondatori e amministratori di gruppi online ha investigato le motivazioni, le finalità e i livelli di partecipazione. Un secondo studio, che ha riguardato i membri di cinque gruppi in Facebook, ha comportato la somministrazione di un questionario volto a esplorare alcune ipotesi di ricerca relative alla relazione tra tipologie di gruppi e dinamiche socio-relazionali, da un lato, e implicazioni professionali, dall’altro. I risultati mostrano che i manager di gruppi tendono a fondarli non solo per la condivisione di risorse professionali ma anche per ragioni etico- partecipative o sociali. I dati rilevati permettono anche di riscontrare l’esistenza di differenze tra diverse tipologie di gruppi, oltre all’attivazione di processi continui di contaminazione tra reale e virtuale in grado di dar vita a nuove iniziative professionali.
Multivariate permutation test to compare survival curves for matched data
Galimberti Stefania,Valsecchi Maria Grazia
BMC Medical Research Methodology , 2013, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2288-13-16
Abstract: Background In the absence of randomization, the comparison of an experimental treatment with respect to the standard may be done based on a matched design. When there is a limited set of cases receiving the experimental treatment, matching of a proper set of controls in a non fixed proportion is convenient. Methods In order to deal with the highly stratified survival data generated by multiple matching, we extend the multivariate permutation testing approach, since standard nonparametric methods for the comparison of survival curves cannot be applied in this setting. Results We demonstrate the validity of the proposed method with simulations, and we illustrate its application to data from an observational study for the comparison of bone marrow transplantation and chemotherapy in the treatment of paediatric leukaemia. Conclusions The use of the multivariate permutation testing approach is recommended in the highly stratified context of survival matched data, especially when the proportional hazards assumption does not hold.
Polyphenols as Modulator of Oxidative Stress in Cancer Disease: New Therapeutic Strategies
Anna Maria Mileo,Stefania Miccadei
- , 2016, DOI: 10.1155/2016/6475624
Cytotoxic Properties of Lyophilized Beers in a Malignant Cell Line  [PDF]
Carmela Spagnuolo, Idolo Tedesco, Maria Grazia Volpe, Stefania Bilotto, Maria Russo, Gian Luigi Russo
Food and Nutrition Sciences (FNS) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/fns.2014.51006

Moderate beer consumption can be considered as part of a healthy diet since it may protect against heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. The protective effects of beer reside in its polyphenol content whose chemical composition appears extremely complex. In the present study, five commercial beers with different polyphenol content (ranging between 690 - 2400 μM equivalents of quercetin) were employed to investigate their cytotoxic effect in vitro on HL-60 cells derived from a human promyelocytic leukemia cell line. A significant reduction in cell viability was measured after 48 hours treatment. Lyophilized beers with higher polyphenol content showed the highest cytotoxicity compared to those with lower concentrations. However, when the assay was performed applying equal amounts of total polyphenols from different lyophilized beers, the sample possessing lowest amount of polyphenols (690 μM equivalents of quercetin) resulted the most effective in reducing cell viability. These data suggest that the biological activities of polyphenols present in beer are not simply dependent upon their total concentration, but qualitative profile and relative concentrations are even more important in determining their antiproliferative effects on cancer cells.

Effects of larval crowding on development time, survival and weight at metamorphosis in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
Revista de la Sociedad Entomol?3gica Argentina , 2009,
Abstract: the effects of larval crowding on survival, weight at metamorphosis and development time were assessed in the dengue mosquito, aedes aegypti l., under a controlled environment. larval cohorts were bred at 7 different densities (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256 larvae / 175 ml pot), while keeping constant water volume and food amount and quality, under controlled temperature and photoperiod. natural detritus, mainly leaves, obtained from containers naturally colonized by a. aegypti, were used as a source of nutrients for larvae. development time, mortality, mass at metamorphosis, and total biomass were recorded for each density. development time ranged from 4 to 23 days in males, and from 5 to 24 in females, whereby larvae took longer to develop at 64 (females) and 128 (males) larvae per recipient. at high densities there was a male-biased sex proportion. at densities equal to or higher than 0.4 larvae/ml (0.32 larvae/cm2) there was an increase of mortality. an inverse relationship between larval density and pupal weight was detected. biomass per individual reached asymptotic values of about 1 mg/individual at a density of 128 individuals/pot (0.64 larvae/cm2). this experiment shows that this southern strain of a. aegypti is sensitive to crowding in small containers.

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